- Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel
subaerial channel (BGU)
- https://pid.geoscience.gov.au/def/voc/ga/SeabedGeomorphologySettings/subaerial_channel ↗Go to the persistent identifier link
- Within Vocab
- Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology
Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel | subaerial channel (BGU) |
Definitionskos:definition | Formed of alluvium, usually have mobile boundaries and are self-adjusting in response to changing conditions. Commonly parabolic or trapezoid in cross section with adjacent, roughly horizontal FLOODPLAINS that are inundated when the channel exceeds bankfull capacity (modified from Goudie, 2006). |
Broaderbroader |
Coastal Setting
Fluvial Setting |
Narrowernarrower |
creek (BGU-T)
distributary (BGU-T) gully (BGU-T) rill (BGU-T) river (BGU-T) tidal inlet (BGU-T) |
See AlsoseeAlso | Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology |
Is Defined ByisDefinedBy | Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology |
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