- Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel
streamlined landform (BGU)
- https://pid.geoscience.gov.au/def/voc/ga/SeabedGeomorphologySettings/streamlined_landform ↗Go to the persistent identifier link
- Within Vocab
- Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology
Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel | streamlined landform (BGU) |
Definitionskos:definition | Streamlined landforms have been sculpted and moulded by glacier ice, moving in a coherent direction. These landforms can consist of bedrock, unconsolidated sediments or both. They are formed parallel to the ice flow direction and are considered good palaeo-flow indicators. Elongation is considered to be positively correlated with higher ice flow velocities (Stokes and Clark, 1999, 2002; Krabbendam et al., 2016). |
Broaderbroader |
Glacial Setting
Narrowernarrower |
bundle structure (BGU-T)
drumlin (BGU-T) flute (BGU-T) glacial crag and tail (BGU-T) groove (BGU-T) mega-scale glacial lineation (BGU-T) roche moutonnee (BGU-T) |
See AlsoseeAlso | Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology |
Is Defined ByisDefinedBy | Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology |
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