- Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel
channel ledge (BGU)
- https://pid.geoscience.gov.au/def/voc/ga/SeabedGeomorphologySettings/channel_ledge ↗Go to the persistent identifier link
- Within Vocab
- Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology
Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel | channel ledge (BGU) |
Definitionskos:definition | Distinctly stepped, flat-topped, elongate, bank-attached units. Have straight to gently curved planforms and flank one or both banks. Composed of the same materials as the adjacent FLOODPLAIN (i.e. sediments are laterally continuous from the CHANNEL LEDGE into their adjacent FLOODPLAIN) and are formed by channel expansion processes where flows selectively erode the upper units of the adjacent surface as the channel incises and expands (Brierley and Fryirs, 2013). |
Broaderbroader |
Coastal Setting
See AlsoseeAlso | Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology |
Is Defined ByisDefinedBy | Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology |
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