- Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel
biogenic reef (BGU)
- https://pid.geoscience.gov.au/def/voc/ga/SeabedGeomorphologySettings/biogenic_reef ↗Go to the persistent identifier link
- Within Vocab
- Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology
Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel | biogenic reef (BGU) |
Definitionskos:definition | In-situ, positive relief, persistent build-ups of primarily skeleton-supported framework (+ internal binding), that influence the local sedimentary environment (Klement, 1967), and supports (or supported) living communities during active accretion. Definition modified from a range of sources: (Cumings, 1932; Goudie, 2006; Harris and Baker, 2020; Klement, 1967; Lo Iacono et al., 2018).Cf. REEF (MARINE SETTING). |
Broaderbroader |
Biogenic Process
Narrowernarrower |
atoll (BGU-T)
barrier reef (BGU-T) cold-water-coral-reef (BGU-T) coralligène (BGU-T) fringing reef (BGU-T) patch reef (BGU-T) platform reef (BGU-T) |
See AlsoseeAlso | Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology |
Is Defined ByisDefinedBy | Seabed geomorphology - Part 2 Geomorphology |
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