- Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel
mid-ocean ridge
- https://pid.geoscience.gov.au/def/voc/ga/SeabedGeomorphologyPhysiography/mid-ocean_ridge ↗Go to the persistent identifier link
- Within Vocab
- Seabed geomorphology - Physiography
Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel | mid-ocean ridge |
Definitionskos:definition | A linear, narrow volcanic and tectonic region which marks the constructive boundary between two tectonic plates. It is divided into segments by transform FAULTS and other offsets. Depending on the speed of the spreading centre, AXIAL HIGHS or AXIAL VALLEYS can form (Harff et al., 2016). Translated from "spreading ridge" Harris et al., (2014). |
See AlsoseeAlso | Seabed geomorphology - Physiography |
Is Defined ByisDefinedBy | Seabed geomorphology - Physiography |
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